Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trees Falling


There's still life on Earth. I enjoyed the pictures- and got a good laugh from "it's okay to be politically incorrect in France." I didn't realize they trick-or-treated in France. Or do they not, and people were merely handling over candy because they felt bad for the poor children being paraded around by the man in blackface? Just kidding.

I would post a picture of Elizabeth and I (we are currently living together in Boston), but I doubt anyone would find it quite as cute.

As for the blog traffic, I'm afraid a large number of people couldn't make the technological leap. But, I still think it is a good thing to write on it as opposed to emails. I feel like people will only come to the blog when they are in a stable mindset, whereas emails might catch you at your worst moment. I think making it a conscious decision to come to the blog and participate in the discussion has to help keep things from getting out of hand.

I also plan on responding to your questions (you know, just to get the traffic flowing again). I am currently in the middle of both trying to find a job in NYC at the worst moment in job history and studying for my first architectural board, thus the delay. Sounds like a good weekend activity, though.

Glad to hear Melanie is doing better. The little guy looks great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There also seems to be a problem of "expired invitations" to the blog- if you didn't sign up the first time it went around apparently you can't sign up now without a new invitation from Monica. I just emailed her about it to see what can be done.