Saturday, November 8, 2008

Short answer to Jeff

First, may I say I am awed at the eloquence and the level of education that is being displayed in this blog by the "younger generation". But there is a but. Me thinks that sometimes the ability to be clever works against arriving at the truth. We can sometimes make rather simple things so complicated that we never do arrive at solutions, and the truth. I will now take issue with one of Jeff's erudite questions, that being essentially is there a tipping point whereby saving lives or creating them by modern technology somehow can offset the loss of say 48 million lives lost (in this question there seems to be an acceptance that the 48M were lives BTW). The answer Jeff is really not hard to find if one but accepts that there is a moral order that accepts the concepts of right and wrong. That discernment is not derived from taking a poll or counting numbers. Were we not all taught in our families that taking drugs was wrong, even if we were the only ones in the group not taking them? As to whether artificial insemination is thought wrong by the Church hierarchy, keep in mind that we believe that only defined articals of faith are infallible.
Another thing that you seem to think is that we believe the Culture of Life is paramount. I would suggest that it goes way beyond that. The truth is what matters the most, and , if I may, I bemoan the fact that you seem jaded about religion. Hopefully you do have a spirituality and recognize the existence of a power greater than we poor humans. As for me, I rejoice in believing fervantly in Jesus Christ as my God and saviour and in Him being the Way, the Truth and the Life. I do so recognizing as you point out so well that horrible things have been done and are still being done in the name oif religion--so stupid are we poor human beings. Love and peace to all. Uncle Ken

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