Monday, November 10, 2008

Yep, it's me again !

Unkle Ken,

Thanks for getting your blog on with us.

I am guilty as charged on both of your accounts - trying to be too clever, and jaded towards organized religion.

My rejection of religion does not mean a rejection of God, or Jesus, or Christianity (or any other faith or belief system). I try to live my life, and raise my children, in the respect of all our fellow men, and the acceptance that we as individuals are part of something that is greater than any one of us. I consider myself to have spirituality. Often I envy those of you with true faith.

As far as me being too clever, (to address the issue of the “tipping point” of 48 million lives) - even to a heathen like me it seems obvious that there can be no tipping point of "righteousness by the numbers”. This is such a slippery slope, and you are right to throw it back in my face, (ever so respectfully, thank you).
Two wrongs don’t make a right, and even the intention of right can’t erase something that is “wrong” done to accomplish a goal.

I hope you all have a nice week.

Peace and love to all

PS - Tomorrow, November 11th, is Armistice Day, I’ll have the day off as it is a holiday in France. It will mark the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.
The War to end all Wars.

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