Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big Dog in town

My father arrived here today around 2pm. After a long flight (NY-Barcelona), and a long (3 hr, Barcelona-Marseillan) drive - I was expecting to see him in worse shape than he turned up in - he looks good and it's pure joy for me and my brood to have him here.

The kids were here when he got home - there was a teacher's strike today, and Constance's and Eleanore's teachers were on strike, so I didn't send Henri to school (partly an act of solidarity with the teachers who did strike, partly so he could spend an extra couple of hours with his Grandpa who is just on a short visit...

(to close out on the strike anecdote, the teachers are striking because of proposed budget cuts to the national education budget, notably budgets for children in difficulty)

Anyway, I was working from home and managing the three kids as best I could until Grandpa showed up to take care of them (the kids have the Wii, and other than fighting over which game to play, that occupies them pretty well so I can get my work done). "Uncle Doug" as most of you know him did take a little (well earned) nap towards the latter part of the afternoon, but then he took the kids into town (Constance needed a book from the book shop that was ordered by her French teacher). On top of getting the book, they came back with rillettes (kind of a porc paté, but I've never really had anything like it in the states), brie, a nice cantal - I think it was a cantal, it could be a tomme - (those are cheeses) and a couple of baguettes. We popped open a bottle of and ejoyed the start of our evening, until I started cooking that typically French meal - Moussaka. :-)

Either way, I'll try to post some pictures all that tomorrow.

edit - here's a picture...


1 comment:

Maryanne Harkins said...

I love reading your stuff. You're a bit outrageous, but it never fails to entertain! I suppose it's like you said about what "sells" and what doesn't. Truly, I enjoy the family updates as well as the banter and the good-natured dialogue.
My husband doesn't think he's ever met you either, so don't feel too badly that you can't remember him. Yes, it has been years since we've seen each other and we should most definitely get together next time you're state-side. I was sorry Mike's reunion in Colorado coincided with the big family reunion.

My two boys (Jerry and Peter) are having fun "studying" for their elementary school's annual geography-bee. They've studied almost exclusively trivia about the states. I was just thinking about how different things must be for our respective families. Yours would know so much about Europe; mine about the States. Interesting to muse about that. (I think about these things during my days at home with my toddlers.) We've actually been having fun with the trivia questions we're making up looking at an atlas. Jerry is getting really good at the capitals and location of the states in relation to each other. He smokes me now (but that's not a high standard in geography. I'm really awful at that subject.)

My kids don't have the Wii, but they've been asking for video games for some time now. They don't watch TV either, unless it's a particular event being aired. Ex: a tennis match, a football game, the baseball playoffs,...and we try to watch it with them in that case. Mike and I find these guys use their time better as a whole when they have to self-entertain. Amazingly, they've really honed this skill. I'm not passing judgment on the alternative, but that's what works for us.

Enjoy the visit with your Dad. My mouth was watering with the wine, cheese and baguettes talk...
