Monday, March 10, 2008

Time for the "sheriff" to turn in his badge!

Eliot Spitzer was known as the "sheriff of wall street" - I guess that's over. I would also guess that his "pledge of ethics reform" will have to start at home. Too bad for his family, such a disgrace. On the positive side - it may be the end of his extreme abortion bill (S.5829). "This bill would raise abortion to the level of fundamental right, prohibiting any reasonable restrictions; would allow non-physicians to perform abortions... and under the guise of eliminating discrimination, would also endanger the religious liberty of the Chruch" It could force Catholic hospitals, service agencies and schools to cooperate in abortion and other morally objectionable practices at the risk of losing their state-issued licenses. (ECardinalEgan letter 3.6.08) As it is New York State already permits abortion throughout the entire pregnancy - and has the highest abortion rate in the nation. Maybe by the time I finish this blog, Spitzer will have resigned! That's all for now folks!

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