Friday, February 29, 2008

Math for Maryanne

I figured if a stupid mail joke about evolution sparked such interesting discussion on healthcare, I could try a misogynisitic joke on the blog and see what happens. Plus I know Maryanne loves math problems, so maybe she will have something to add...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

How do I make this BLOG my...

Opening Screen?

If we do that, we will use it more, and cut down on e-mails to the world.

Doug Sr.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So, this is a blog!

I've heard about these, and I've even read some, but this is my first official blog posting! I have a lot of people I would like to thank - the Academy, my wife, my 7th grade English teacher...

Seriously, though, thank you to Monica for setting up the blog and thank you to all the Browns whose recent e-mails have made for some fun and interesting reading.

Hope to be in touch more soon!

Chris Brown (Dennis and Fran's son; lives in Baltimore with wife, Jenny; slightly taller and better looking than his younger brother, Phil)

getting my toe in the water

Ok, I managed to get on board but I don't know how to navigate around this thing. Monica, you said you were posting all of the emails, so how do I see them?? could not figure that out. I am wondering if the blog will be like gym equipment which seems like a wonderful idea and then slowly begins to be neglected. time will tell. I am on the board of a 50 million dollar foundation whose mission is to provide healthcare to all residents of Connecticut. It intends to do this thru public education and agitation and organizing to change the laws and change the crazy quilt delivery system at the same time. A very complicated undertaking which becomes more complicated the more you know. Makes sense for something which accounts for between 20 and 30 % of our GNP. Six dimensional chess anyone?Our previous discussion was instructive . Good luck with this endeavor.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Generation X

I'm pretty sure that we'll be losing a certain number of the "gang" in this transfer from mail technology to blog...

I just wanted to get a post up here to thank Monica for putting this together. Inspite of Maryanne's objections, I'll try to post at least a little something from time to time, even if it is the simple boring facts of life, and even if that means that I have consecutive posts.

I'm out in Denver currently, part of my agenda here was supposed to be welcoming a new member to my team, but my company is the target of a friendly takeover, and hiring is frozen for the time being. I feel really bad for the person who was supposed to start working for us,, since she is currently in the mortgage industry and her office is closing down at the end of March. (This is not the opening salvo on a debate on federal regulation and oversight of the financial markets, it's just a little comment on my day to day...). I can only imagine how happy she was two weeks ago when I told her that she had been selected for the job opening, and that I'd be fedexing her the papers to sign the next day. Instead of Fedexing the papers the next day, I had to call her and tell her that there was a hiring freeze... talk about bursting someone's bubble.

Well, here's the first guest post on Monica's blog.

Let's see if this thing has any legs...

Monday, February 25, 2008

First Post

Browns all,

For lack of a better name, I took the original subject line of 50+ emails from that chain. I will post all of them here.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone - especially the thus far silent ones.

Love, Monica